Jive api documentation download

Download report results csv format qualys community. We have to extract almost 1,000 documents for a divestiture. This form is for those who wish to be approved to gain access to jive api. The api documentation has been updated to reflect these changes. These will not be allowed for upload or download with jive. Intranet software collaboration solution jive software. A pure java library, it can be embedded into your applications to create anything from a full xmpp. Jive is a standalone java application designed to browse and edit the static tango database. Jive tutorial given at android workshop and a webinar given in engineering. Get acquainted with your community and learn the basics of communicating, collaborating, and innovating the jive. The jive rest api provides exhaustive functionalities for interacting with your jive community. Descriptions of page views csv column headings can be found in the the canvas users api documentation. It can be used within companies to help employees sync up and work together, or it can be used externally to support customer communities that improve service, support, and customer satisfaction. Jive api url, url string pointing to the jive api, example.

In most cases you want to apply some analysis of that data, which may require importing it. Check out the latest jive rest api reference for detailed information about jive s core rest api services view api documentation. Please be aware during this beta we will not be approving everyone. The latest product documentation is always available on rsa link at for a comprehensive list of links to all release notes for the cloud. However if you have a great idea on how to use our api please fill out the form and let us know. Jive interactive intranet is enterprise social software that unleashes employee productivity, harnesses corporate knowledge and builds institutional memory. In a lot of my code i have another statement that grabs all the reports that are in the state finished along with other criteria. There are several ways to get data from canvas in the form of downloading csv files. Jive integrates with top software providers to empower your organization with efficient, timesaving, and crossfunctioning communications features. Api or sdk info for rsa authentication manager rsa link. The express interface detailed the express interface is a highly secured, scalable, and reliable payment processing platform providing low cost and high speed transaction processing for cardpresent such. This may not be specific to the jive api, but to basic auth in general. The premise for the jive api is to allow powerful ivr.

Do you have documentation available for an api or sdk that would help us achieve this. There is documentation available on the des at using the jive data export. How do i view the page views for a user in an account. With jive mobile, you and your employees can use personal devices to talk and text from a business numberwithout surrendering your private phone numbers. How do i download and install jive view for windows. Dont worry i will download the bundle and put it somewhere within jive and update. I read that file to get the id of the reports and then download.

The slack element is a turnkey integration with advanced features such as normalized apis, authentication, search, eventing, and more. The javascript api enables developers to interact with their jive instance from within a jive. The rest api documentation is divided into 2 sections. Also comes preinstalled in a docker image and a sphinx theme and builder for jive optimized html output. See latest for information on how to download the compaction plugin. Get the latest details on sdk language support and development tools to expedite your jive project development. For instructions on installing and using the jive node sdk, refer to getting started with the jive node sdk in the jive community. Theres more detail in the document entity section of the jive rest api documentation. However if you have a great idea on how to use our api please. Is there a way to bulk download files in jive via api or script. Jive developers api documentation, developer community. Smack is an open source xmpp jabber client library for instant messaging and presence.

Document management system and content management system. It is our new singlesourceoftruth ssot for documentation, specs, research and anything else related. Overview the data export service is a powerful way to access analytics data introduced with jive 7. Translating english text to jive public ratelimited. In this tutorial, youll learn how to integrate jive with azure active directory azure ad. A new chapter for the jive developer community and me at jive.

Jive provides social networking services for businesses. This kb gives you a stepbystep guide on how to use the web service endpoints to perform certain functionalities, like searching for content or creating a new user. With the jive documentation space in the jive community, we make tech support easy. Jive sdk fast integrations with the new jive addon framework. If you look at the documentation you will want to use the fetch command and then you need the id of the report.

Im am writing a powershell script in order to download the raw data from our scans. How to use the api to download datafiles canvas lms community. Get the latest details on sdk language support and development tools to expedite your jive. I was wondering if there was a way to pull down all the scans as a single csv file. Publishing an api collection can be done via the run in postman button, which allows users to directly download your collection into their own postman instance. Jive is a social business software that integrates the most powerful capabilities of collaboration, community, and social networking software. See a comprehensive picture of your phones network in realtime with jive view. There are individual classes that represent permissions to people, content, and places in jive. To use a client, you must first instantiate one using your jive. Enable your users to be automatically signedin to jive. I found this document here from the beta days but its got some serious gaps how to actually build the. Please set a request header xfuntranslations api secret with value of your api key. Java native interface jni jvm tool interface jvm ti java debug wire protocol jdwp documentation comment specification for the standard doclet.

The alfresco digital business platform is open by design, with a modular architecture that integrates seamlessly with leading applications out of the box. The jive api is a lightweight java framework for writing ivr applications. The page views csv file contains information about user activity in canvas. Ignite realtime is the community site for the users and developers of jive softwares open source real time. To translate from english to jive use the following api. In addition to a list of fields and resources associated with this entity, these pages often contain examples that illustrate how an entity is used. Your involvement is helping to change the open rtc landscape. Ignite realtime is the community site for the users and developers of jive softwares open source real time communications projects.

Postman api monitoring helps you identify problems with your api. Is there a way to find out which users have viewed what. I know jive has an api, but i can find anything that would let us download multiple files from multiple groups. The only command i can find within the api documentation. Moderate all discussion posts that contain the word scowled java class level interaction with jive api. Jive s rest api provides a comprehensive set of functions for interacting with a jive community using get, put, post, and delete calls.

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